the history - foto-report + 2019


the activities

cooking: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen



bakery-confectionery: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen




pizzeria: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen



dress-making: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen




mojocafé - selling Mojoca foodstuffs: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen



feasts: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen



manifestations: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen




the places


friendship house - life: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen




8 March house - life: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen


the persons


changing generation: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen



mariposas - children: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen



mariposas - bebes: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen


taking part


taking part: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen