the history - photo-report + 2000
The street
negative values: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
the principles
the liberatng friendship: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
the activities
the feeding: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
the places
The first house of the movement is purchased.
The Italian friendship and an economic help from the European Community have let us to buy a house, making us free from the danger of an eviction from the rented house. The property house, thet replaces the rented one, is called "the friendship house". In the firendship house a canteen is opened (frequented by several tenths of people).
the persons
the small boys: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
the girls: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
the couples: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
the mothers: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
In 2000 the quetzalitas were already about fifteen: Mirna, Eva, Mayra, Anna Maria, Lubia, Vilma, Glenda, Roxana, Maricela, Aura, Lety, Wendoly, Anabela, Heiddy, Sandra, Eloisa, Jeanette. And others were preparing to join to the group.
the Mariposas + the bebés: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
the Mariposas + the children: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen
the fellows: click on the photo to zoom it to full screen